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Goths and the world: 1
They wear black and call themselves „Gothics“: followers of the black subculture stick out in the crowd. But being Gothic is more than just masquerade. A search for a deeper meaning in life. But how do people live their black lives?
Matthias Witte and Freyja MacLeod have painted their everyday life black. They had first met (and fallen in love) at the Wave-Gothic-Meeting in Leipzig . The New Zealander was so impressed by the scene that she decided to live here – always clad in her black outfit, emblematic jewelry and eerie make up. She has got her own Youtube channel on which she posts videos about black life style and culture. Her boyfriend Matthias joins in. He currently completes his vocational diploma in order to study fine arts afterwards. His teacher are used by now to his outfits and his dark pieces of art.
Ronny Rabe wears white at work. He’s a nurse in a nursing-home in Leipzig. Nobody knows at work about his other life as a Goth. And he wants to keep it like that – many people reject Gothics whom they equate with Satanists. Ronny’s flat is pretty dark: antique furniture, dark walls, many candles. Bats everywhere. His wardrobe is bursting at the seams. He loves self-staging, loves to stand out from the crowd. For Ronny, Freyja and Matthias being goth is their life. By showing how they daily move through and between both worlds we enter the German black scene.
Written by: Anna Schmidt
Direction: Anna Schmidt
Director or Photography: Tilo Holzapfel, Carsten Waldbauer, Hartmut Gatzschke
Sound: Christian Reiss
Editor: Mario Biehl
Air date: 2016.05.12 MDR, 2016.05.2016 ARD